Make teaching adding fractions with unlike denominators, ย subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, and multiplication and division of fractions fun with this creative Valentine’s Day math craft! Students practice operations with fractions with this LOVE BUG math craft. Clear and simple directions make this activity perfect for math centers, fun Fridays, or substitute days!
What you’ll get:
- 12 problems for adding fractions with unlike denominators.
- 12 problems for subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.
- 12 problems for multiplications of fractions
- 12 problems for division of fractions
- templates to create your love bug. Print on colored paper or white paper to allow students to color.
Choose one of the skills or combine them all!
- adding fractions with unlike denominators
- subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
- multiplication and division of fractions
You will LOVE the final product and your students will be so proud of their creations. These whimsical love bugs will decorate your classroom or bulletin board for the month of February!
Prep is quick and easy… Just print the student pages, hand each student some glue, scissors, and crayons and enjoy their Fraction Love Bugs!
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