Use this ย Multiplication Sort Digital Activity ย for a fun and engaging way to practice Multiplying multi digit numbers by 1 digit.
Multi Digit Multiplication Digital Sort
This digital version ofย Multiplication Sort is the perfect solution for at home learning or teaching virtually!Use this version when students donโt have access to printables or as a quick review, homework assignment, or exit slip.
While using this activity, students will have practice multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. Teachers can easily assign the activity using Google Classroom. If teachers don’t use Google Classroom, this activity can be downloaded as a PowerPoint and still be used digitally with your students.
Students can practice on any device including ipads and tablets.
What are Google Slides?
Google Slides are digital, interactive, slides using Google Apps. They work on an iPad, Chrome Book, Kindle Fire, even your phone!
In this set students are required to match the product to the multiplication problem.
There are 15 multiplication problems to practice with.
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Hope you find it useful! Let me know in the comments how you like this activity.