In this blog post, I am sharing some tips educators can use when trying to assist parents and students while facing school closures.
Stay healthy and charged:
Teachers are not used to sitting in front of a screen all day. During this time of remote learning, take frequent breaks, go outside for shorts periods of time to get fresh air, eat healthy meals, and hydrate.
Use technology to engage students:
Worksheets are great but using a technology component for those students that have access can break the routine. Host a google hangout, record yourself and send the video to your students, use Flipgrid to assign fun questions and be able to see and hear your students, create a Youtube channel to engage your students.
Connect with parents:
Parents are facing the difficult task of working from home and homeschooling their children. Share daily tips with them to help them assist their kids and keep some of those routines they are used to. Send them videos of some of the songs or videos you watch in your class everyday, share your daily routines, schedules, and even your classroom management and behavior incentives.
Are you in need of a Math Packet that can address some of the skills your students have learned?
This freebie is a 2 week math packet that students can complete independently. This packet is a math review of many of the skills students in third and fourth grades have learned so far this year. Most importantly it is FREE.
◊ 2 weeks of math review worksheets
◊ Answer Key for every page
Skills Addressed:
✓ Single Digit Multiplication
✓ Division Facts
✓ Word Problems
✓ Addition
✓ Subtraction
✓ Multiple Step Word Problems
✓ Place Value
✓ Rounding to the Nearest 10
✓ Rounding to the nearest 100
✓ Fraction Models
✓ Fractions on a Number Line
✓ Word Problems with fractions
✓ Equivalent Fractions
If you use Google Classroom, assigning activities through this platform is a very easy way to get your students engaged and at the click of a button you can get it out to all your students. I have a variety of Google Classroom resources that align to the standards and provide practice to a variety of skills.
Check them out below.

Praying for our nation and the world!
Stay healthy my friends.